Tuesday March 15th was just like any other Tuesday. I had a doctors appointment that day just like I had every Tuesday for the last 3 months. It was scheduled for the afternoon so that Jason could come home and watch the kids. My appointments were just too long to have to take them to. So he came home and I headed to the doctor. They always did my ultrasound first. So the girl does all the normal things that they always do. Measuring and checking everything on the girls. They would always check my cervical length by ultrasound every week. Well when she did it I saw that it was very short and I also saw a black spot that was normally not there. She finished up and went and got my doctor. She came in and said that it had shortened a lot, which I knew, and that they could see that I was dilated but they cant tell you how many cm from the ultrasound. My normal perintologist was gone on vacation so we went in and talked to the doctor that was there while he was gone. Both my doctors there agreed I need to go to the hospital to be monitored and see where I was at. First the tried to get me to be air vaced to the hospital. Umm not happening! Then they tried to get me to go to the hospital across the street and have them take me by ambulance. I convinced them I would be fine driving :) So I met Jason half way between our house and the doctor and we went together to the hospital. We got there around 5:10pm and were back in a room getting settled in and hooked up about 525pm. They hooked me up to monitor contractions and I was having them about every 6 minutes. Then the doctor checked me and I was 4cm dilated and 100% effaced. Once they had all this info they immediately decided that they would be delivering our babies right away. I cant even begin to explain the emotions that I had in those moments. For one everything felt like it was happening so fast so you almost feel like you are in shock. You know for months that this moment is coming but when its there its not something you are prepared for. I was so scared. I was nervous. I was excited to see their faces. I was just so many things. I didn't really have time to process it all. So many doctors and nurses were coming in to introduce themselves and explain things to me. Its all kind of a blur. One of the hardest things for me was the fact that these 2 doctors that I have never seen before were going to be delivering our babies. They didn't know me or a single thing about me. I hated it! They came in and told me that because of how high my incision was going to be (its goes all the way up to about 4 inches above my bellybutton) they would have to put me to sleep for the c section. I was not happy at all. I was so scared that I would not be able to see my babies alive. They also told me that I needed to sign to either have my tubes tied or a hysterectomy because of the large incision and the fact that I have had 2 other c sections. I was devastated as this was never talked of with my regular doctor. Looking back now I wish I would have fought this and asked more questions. It was all just so crazy at the time that I just trusted in them. I just pray that they were right but there is nothing I can do now because they did tie my tubes after my babies were delivered. At 7:49pm our beautiful daughters were born. I was put to sleep and Jason was not allowed in the delivery room. We were told that they cried as soon as they were born but then had difficulty breathing. They then put them on ventilators. I was out for about 2 1/2 hours. Jason went right with Ava and Teagan to the NICU. I remember waking up and the only two things I thought was "Oh my gosh I hurt soooo bad!" All I remember is crying saying it hurts it hurts it hurts. The other thing was of course "Are my babies ok" I could not stop thinking but was too scared to ask the nurse in there with me. She started talking about them like they were ok. Jason came in shortly after and started talking about them and I knew that for then they were ok. He showed me some pictures and told me about them :) I was so grateful that I was going to be able to hold my babies and see them alive and breathing and moving! Once I was ok to leave recovery they wheeled me up to the NICU to be with our babies. Holding them for the first time was one of the best feelings in the world. I will never ever forget those moments. I did not want to put them down. They were beautiful and physically on the outside they were absolutely perfect. They just had to be conjoined at their chest. It was hard so hard to look at them and accept the fact that they weren't going to be ok. I still havent accepted it. Life is just so unfair at times! I can honestly say that despite the face that I knew they wouldn't be ok March 15th was one of the best days of my life because that is the day that we got to bring our precious girls into this world and meet them.
I just wanted to share more details on the day we welcomed Ava and Teagan. It was an important day for us and with them not being here all I can do is share the memories we do have of them.
Here are a few pictures from the first time I was able to hold Ava and Teagan
Hi Latonya,
I noticed you were looking to maybe make this a book one day. You've got a beautiful story to tell with cherished pictures of your girls. I've done so due to my recent loss and would like to recommend blurb.com. Its a bit better than places like snappish.com and lets you really customize it. I'm not a employee of them or anything, I just think it would be a good site for you to use with such an important event. Best wishes and just remember, you aren't alone (even though it often feels like that).
Hi, thank you! I actually did make it in to a book after my last entry when my girls passed away. I wasnt going to write on here anymore and then I started again. So I may do another one some day too! I cant remember what site I used but I will check that one out. Does it pull everything right off your blog? Maybe I will make another one if the blurb.com looks better :) Im sorry for your loss also. :(
I think I found where you can do it on that website! Thanks for letting me know about it
Everytime I read your blog I cant help myself I just start crying. Crying happy tears for the precious time you had with them and the memories that were made during those days and yet sad tears knowing that these precious girls are not with you physically because I do believe they are with you everyday and always will be. Those random unexplained things that happen are the girls saying hi to you =) I love reading your posts and I am so glad that you are coming back to the blog to write freely about how you feel. You are an AMAZING MOM/friend/wife/sister/daughter/Aunt/ you are just all around an AMAZING and STRONG!! I know things are hard and I wish there was something I could say or do to help ease the pain I know there isnt but I am hear to listen.
Love you friend and there is not a day that goes by that I dont think of you and those precious angels.
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