Our conjoined twin girls Ava and Teagan were born March 15th 2011. They shared a heart and liver. They sadly passed away March 17th, 2011. We miss them dearly every single day.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Taking it easy

I had another doctors appointment today.  I am now 30 weeks 1 day.  The baby girls are looking good in there.  They are growing.  They are about 2lbs 5oz now.  Everything with them is ok.  I had mentioned last week how my cervical length had shortened quite a bit.  Well today my doctor actually checked my cervix and I am 1cm dilated, 90 effaced and he said my cervix is "really soft"  So for now I am to "take it easy" "be a couch potato" They also checked my blood sugar and it was slightly elevated..145...which means nothing to me because I don't know what normal is.  He said next week he might send me to do the 3 hour glucose test.  For now I'm suppose to stay away from sweets and fruits and eat more meat and veggies.  This should be fun!  Well that is all for now.  I have another appointment next Tuesday and then an appointment on Wednesday with a neonatologist at the hospital that we will be delivering the babies at.  I will update next week :)

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