Our conjoined twin girls Ava and Teagan were born March 15th 2011. They shared a heart and liver. They sadly passed away March 17th, 2011. We miss them dearly every single day.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

29 weeks 1 day

I had another appt today like I do every week.  As far as the babies go they are hanging in there good :)  They didn't measure them today so not sure how big they are.  They do that every other week.  They measure my cervical length every week and it has shortened a lot since last week.  It was about 4.2cm last Tuesday and is now only 2.5cm.  It being 2.5cm (3cm-5cm is normal)  isn't really bad but the fact that it shortened so dramatically in 1 week is a little alarming.  So today I received a dose of steroids to help mature their lungs.  I go back tomorrow morning for the second dose of them.  This is in case these sweet girls decide to come soon.  My dr didn't want to take a chance that they be born soon and immature lungs be an issue so doing the shots is worth trying.  I also found out today that I of course failed my 1 hour glucose test but only by a few points.  Darn it!  I failed it with both B and B so I'm not surprised.  I always pass the 3 hour one though.  Well my dr decided that right now that is not a main concern so she didn't send me for the 3 hour test.  Next week at my appointment they will poke me and see what my blood sugar levels are.  If they are high then we will probably do the 3 hour. I hope I don't have to do that!  Well that's the news for this week.  Thanks to everyone for your continued thought and prayers.

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