Our conjoined twin girls Ava and Teagan were born March 15th 2011. They shared a heart and liver. They sadly passed away March 17th, 2011. We miss them dearly every single day.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

32 weeks

As far as the babies go everything looks ok with them.  They say they are about 3lbs each but the dr thinks they are probably a little smaller than that.  They didn't look too much at their heart today but I have an appt with the cardiologist tomorrow and he is very detailed so I will see what he has to say tomorrow morning. 

I found out today that I have gestational diabetes.  I have to change my diet.  Basically stay away from carbs and sugars.  I have to check my blood sugar levels right when I wake up and after breakfast, lunch and dinner.  My dr will look over them next week and if they are still high he said it may need to be controlled with meds.  I'm hoping diet will do the trick though. 

Its all getting really hard on me.  I'm having a harder time dealing with it all now.  I don't know how I even get through the day sometimes but I do :)  I have no choice.  Thanks everyone for the continued thoughts and prayers for our girls


Lori Edwards said...

*hugs* you're an amazing person LaTonya.. every day that you wake up... at least know that... that you... are... an AMAZING person...

Unknown said...

Hang in there. You have come so far and have been so brave through it all. Thinking about you always and am here to listen if you need it.
