Our conjoined twin girls Ava and Teagan were born March 15th 2011. They shared a heart and liver. They sadly passed away March 17th, 2011. We miss them dearly every single day.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Little Feet Prints

See those cute tiny little feet prints to the right and down a little bit?  Sunday night I ordered a necklace that is going to have them on it!  It will have Ava's left foot and Teagan's right foot on it.  Its going to have "Too Perfect For Earth" engraved on the back.  I am so excited to get it.  I have a beautiful necklace that my amazing sister in law Crystal got for me that has a picture of the babies on it.  I cherish it soo much!  I will have 2 wonderful necklaces to switch between now!  Check this website out.  It has amazing jewelry on there!  I will be sure to post a picture as soon as I get it in! 

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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Its been awhile

I haven't written on here since our girls passed away and didn't intend to at all.  I decided maybe I should.  I have been missing my girls terrible since March 17th.  Not one single day goes by that I don't think of them.  Really not a single minute.  They are constantly on my mind.  I miss their sweet faces so much.  I know the pain of it all will never completely go away but I hope with time I can learn to deal with it and make it a little more bearable.  For now I just take it each day at a time and try to make it through.  We will never ever forget our sweet babies and I hope nobody else does either.  I want them to always be remembered!

Those are 2 cute little faces that would be pretty hard to forget!  :)

I think about the day they were born, March 15th, all the time.  It was a horrible but joyful day.  Horrible because I knew that meant our time with them was coming to an end and would most likely be short.  Joyful because I finally got to see, touch, hold and just be there next to our babies.  When they were delivered I had to be put to sleep for the c section.  My surgery took over 2 hours.  I remember waking up and all I could think about (besides the horrible pain) was my babies.  I laid there wondering if they were alive and praying so hard they were.  I was so scared that in those 2 1/2 hours or so that they were already gone.  I remember being too scared to ask.  The nurse seemed to be talking like they were ok but I still didn't want to ask.  Finally Jason came in and started talking about them and I knew they were ok for then.  I was sooo grateful for that.  All I wanted was to be able to hold them!   Thanks to an awesome Neonatal Nurse Practitioner I got to do just that later that night despite all the NICU nurses being nervous about it.  I love him and I'm so glad he was there.  So much so that months after their birth I just may have stalked him down at the hospital to give him a letter. I didn't even know his name!  Haha that's a story for another day. 

Mommy misses you sooo much my precious angels.  I love you both soo much and someday I will see you again! 

"Those we love don't go away, they walk beside us every day.
Unseen, unheard, but always near; still loved, still missed and very dear."